Sunday, September 25, 2011


Like many people in the western world I have relied heavily on the traditions of western medicine.  When sick or injured I have sought the council of a Doctor who would with few exceptions diagnose my condition and prescribe pharmaceuticals to treat my ills no matter what they might be.  For decades I thought nothing wrong with this.  Then life took an unexpected turn and I found myself sicker than I had ever been and no prescription made by man seemed to help.  I began to spiral down a path whose end could only be seen as tragic.  In my despair I tried desperately to hold onto anything that I felt would keep my soul from sinking further into the abyss that had become my existence.  Empty and without any will to live I found my world empty and in disrepair.  My family abandoned me, my friends faded away and I began to see little hope of rebirth.  After what felt like an eon in my own personal hell I came to realize that only I could save myself.  Only I could rebuild what was shattered and replenish that which was lost.  It then began to become clear to me that my fall into oblivion was of my own choosing.  I then began to come to terms with my life and the direction it was taking.  It was then that I began to heal and be reborn.  Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of an otherwise null existence I began to burn from within, like an effigy so bright that It demands to be recognized.  I could no more run from my truth than I could hide from myself.  My epiphany was not a moment in time but a realization of the eternity of life.  There are no beginnings or endings in time only revolutions that spiral inside of transfixed points traveling forever in what might be elliptical patterns from voids of the dark abyss to brilliant singularities.  Like the echoes of laughter in a warm heart or the comfort found in a loving embrace to the distance felt by lonely souls.  My journey begins here by choice at the summit of my hopes and dreams.  Here to be your invitation to join me.  May our paths coincide till we reach enlightenment.  Let us then first prepare for our journey by healing our bodies and minds in preparation for transcendence.  Join me in this quest for inner peace.  Why? Because we can and must ascend to the light that lies beyond.


  1. What would you think about a herbal health blog that provided a link to a site where cheap drugs could be purchased?

  2. My life's suddenly taken a turn that caused me much resentment and depression. This caused a chain reaction with my health no doubt. I am on a new path these days to beginning to forgive. This inner healing is my best defense to moving on to my physical health. Great topic and i'm looking forward to following you. :-)

  3. Great topic, I'm looking forward to learning more about your journey to inner peace. I wish more people would focus in that direction.

  4. I am also looking forward to some of the potential with this blog. Over the course of my life I have found great success with herbal and homeopathic medicines. Good luck and I look forward to your thoughts.

  5. Very deep and personal. I also look forward to what follows and perhaps help guide me towards such enlightenment. Great post!
